High Performance Concrete Test

High Performance Concrete Test

According to the usual definitions high-strength concretes as such are distinguished by a compressive strength > 65 N/mm² and high-performance concretes as such by a high degree of tightness, resistance to physical or chemical impacts, strength and self-compaction. Using the raw materials and processing methods common in practice it is already possible to realize building components with compressive strengths of about 150 N/mm².

Mortar and concretes with a compressive strength of up to 800 N/mm² are currently under development. Typical fields of application of high-strength concrete and high-performance concrete are:

  Components subject to compression loading (e.g.: columns and walls)

  Components subject to bending load (e.g.: bridge girders and beams)

Components subject to high mechanical and environmental load (e.g.: tunnels, industrial floors, road construction parts and offshore structures)

components subject to high chemical load (e.g.: cooling towers, agricultural components with protection against fermentation and fodder acids)

composite structures (e.g.: steel coated columns)

special constructions (e.g.: bank vaults, screw piles)

Therefore, both concrete types, high-strength concretes and high-performance concretes, make very high demands on personnel and equipment concerning manufacturing and processing, surveillance and quality assurance and in particular in terms of compressive strength testing.